Two Factor Authentication Tech Shack Blog Image 1

As you likely know, it’s imperative to protect yourself online. Specifically, you need to secure your online accounts. The best way to do this is with two-factor authentication. Also referred to as “two-step verification,” this type of protection will give you an extra layer of security on the off chance that your password is stolen. Once you set up two-factor authentication, you can sign into your account with your password and your phone. 

Not sure how to set up two-factor authentication? Keep reading! The skilled and friendly team at Tech Shack has put together a “to-do” list to assist you.

Two Factor Authentication Tech Shack Blog Image 2

To start, open up your Google Account. Then, find the navigation panel, search for “Security,” and select it when you find it. Under “Signing in to Google,” select “Two-Factor Verification,” followed by “Get Started.” From there, follow the on-screen steps. 

Once you’ve turned on two-factor verification, you must complete a second step to verify it’s actually you when you sign in to your account. To further protect your account, Google will ask you to complete a specific second step.  

Please note that if your account is through work, school, or some sort of group, the steps listed above may not work. In this case, you will need to contact your administrator for assistance.

Why is two-factor verification so necessary? When used correctly, two-factor verification can prevent hackers from accessing your account. Two-factor verification also ensures your personal information stays private, safe, and secure. Simply put, it instantly neutralizes the risk associated with compromised passwords. If your password does get hacked or phished, it won’t be enough to give the intruder access to your account. Without the approval of the second factor, the password by itself is useless.

Interested in learning more about two-factor verification or even more ways to protect yourself online? Contact us today! We’re here to work with you.

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